Monday – LOAD
May 22-24th is the North East CrossFit Regionals Event in Hartford, Connecticut.
I myself with Nes and a few other people are heading there on the 23rd to attend the event. Would be great for a bunch of the IFA members to make their way there and experience the community behind CrossFit. Come support our IFA Team!!! Bring your IFA shirts and let’s have fun. Book your hotels ASAP as they are selling out. Speak amongst one another to maybe share rooms.
Warm Up
Back Roll Reach
Hollow Rocks
Super Rocks
Push Ups
2 Rounds
1 Minute Row (10 Damper)
Rest 1 Minute
1 Minute DB Burpees
Rest 1 Minute
1 Minute MB Clean
Rest 1 Minute
1 Minute DB Burpees
Rest 1 Minute