Monday – LOAD
Warm Up
Muscle Snatch
Banded Scap
KB Rack Reverse Lunge
Strength: Sn Pull + HH Sn
Doubles up to 70-75%
Partner WOD
17 Minute Amrap Ping Pong
Row for Calories (m14/w12)
11 Plate G2OH (m45/w30)
8 KBS (Heavy)
Monday – LOAD
Warm Up
Muscle Snatch
Banded Scap
KB Rack Reverse Lunge
Strength: Sn Pull + HH Sn
Doubles up to 70-75%
Partner WOD
17 Minute Amrap Ping Pong
Row for Calories (m14/w12)
11 Plate G2OH (m45/w30)
8 KBS (Heavy)